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When to Tack

An experienced sailor knows what to do when a sudden strong wind hits straight on, threatening to take her off her desired course. Rather than abruptly turning away from the wind, the sailor turns the bow of the boat toward and through the mighty gusts. By doing so, the direction from which the wind blows changes from one side of the boat to the other, allowing progress in the desired direction.

The “tacking” skill can be applied to life. We sail along enjoying our lives, when suddenly a big wind makes a direct hit. For me, three months ago it was a stroke—one that hit the occipital lobe of the brain and, threatened my writing career. I remember being wheeled through the hallways, my eyes squeezed tight, a hospital blanket pulled up over my head.

I’m slowly returning to reading and writing. When the wind comes up, we must tack with patience in order to get turned in the right direction. We may not know what to do, or realize that we actually have the skills to right the boat again. Sometimes the wind hits us to reshape priorities in our lives. To find out how Nora learns the art of tacking, follow her journey in the Fish Dress!


  1. You are a life sailor! May you have fair skies and prevailing winds for a while! We are all “tacking” through this pandemic- I love this analogy!

  2. Carol,
    What a wise life lesson! An analogy would be turning into a skid when you’re on ice. It’s counter intuitive, but it works. It takes so much more energy to resist the path we’re supposed to take.

    I wish you a speedy return to health and your writing!

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