Who knew it could be cool to wear Prism Glasses? Strangers stop me on the street. “Hey, where did you get those cool glasses, they are so Steam Punk.”
The first time this happened I asked, “What is Steampunk?” I would soon to learn that it is a fashion statement of blending fantasy, fiction, and science. This new outlook helps me to shed old fears and embrace the surprising fashion forward benefits for wearing my new glasses.
The prism glasses are prescribed to help me see better, as my last brain bleed severely affected my vision. These are not the circumstances that I saw for myself. Since my vision loss, I have been living within a world of shadows like the Lotus plant that travels the murky waters, my inner vision enables, me to see the bigger picture of the meaning of life as a journey of transformation. After all the Lotus blossom does emerge glorious with its many colors despite its struggles.
I urge you who are going through challenging times to stay the course, keep going, and never give up. You never know when you may discover a new path that transforms your journey.
It’s after a lengthy medical recovery, I am happy to connect and to reconnect. You are invited to sign up for my new email newsletter (click here to join) to get future blog post notifications and updates from me, including special details about the upcoming release of The Fish Dress, Second Edition!